I just finished reading Steel Crow Saga, by Paul Krueger.

This is not a book that does introductions well. Specifically, the introductions of several main characters are kind of…trite? Breezed over? Inelegant? None of these words are what I’m really looking for. I can’t think of how to phrase it.

Basically, the book begins with two different pairs of people meeting: one detective princess meeting a small-time crook, and one revolutionary soldier meeting the deposed prince of the nation that had been oppressing her own. Both of these meetings annoy me in ways I cannot fully articulate.

Once we get those out of the way, the book becomes really quite good, full of pulp adventure pulled straight out of the best Asian historical dramas and kung-fu movies. The characters themselves become a lot more interesting as well, showing more depth to their personalities and falling into easy relationships with each other. It’s a fun story, but I don’t necessarily know that I would call it a good one. I’ll probably be keeping an eye on what Krueger writes in the future, because I can always use a fun read.

EDIT: Since I read this book and first wrote this review, certain allegations have come out about Paul Kreuger’s behavior with female colleagues in the sci-fi and fantasy writing sphere (gaslighting, harassment, bullying, etc). If you feel that you can separate the author from the work, Steel Crow Saga is still a pretty fun read, but it’s definitely understandable if you can’t. Knowing what I do today, almost a year after reading the novel and writing the review and subsequently forgetting to post it, I probably wouldn’t have bothered picking up the book.