I just finished reading When the Guns Roar, book six in Eric Thomson’s Sibohan Dunmoore series. Major spoilers follow.
This book finished up the war that has been raging for the entire series thus far, bringing together most of the plot threads that have been running in the background and changing the entire shape of the setting.
I really do hope that this isn’t the end of the series, or at least not the last of the books in this setting. I really want to know what happens with the fascist lost colony, and with the unknown FTL-capable race apparently living near them. I want to know what happens with the various conspiracies that played major roles in specific books and were then never mentioned again. I want to know what happens in the badlands, with the involuntary colonists. There are a lot of loose threads that weren’t really connected to the main Commonwealth/Empire war, and I want to revisit them.
Especially the lost colony. The book they appeared in was my favorite, because of my love of culture clash and first contact. I want to see more of that. More details of their society, how they handled the events of that book, further interactions with civilized space.
Maybe I’ll get that. We’ll see when Thomson publishes his next book.
EDIT: I discovered immediately after writing this that 1) there’s another seven-book series in the same setting already published, and 2) there’s a sequel series that’s already started up with one book out. So I might go and pick those up.